the one-stop-shop for a successful international lifestyle

The Expatability Club

Helping you build your successful life, career and family overseas
A community and advice hub for anyone living an international lifestyle. 

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Your Dream Life Abroad

The excitement of your new adventure, the thrill of your global future, the adrenaline buzz of living in a whole other country is incredible!

As you find your feet, you may come up against unexpected obstacles. That's normal, and you can often pick yourself up and carry on.

Some days you may struggle with life in your host country, even though most days are just fine. Again, that's normal. Expat life is 'just' life, but in a different country. It's the different country that sometimes makes daily life a bit 'extra'. And that can become overwhelming.

  • Perhaps you're finding your loss of independence and personal identity stifling?
  • Maybe you haven't settled as quickly as you expected?
  • Are you finding it difficult to 'find your tribe' and feel isolated?

Relocating to a new country isn't just about packing your bags and crossing borders and time-zones. It's often an emotional rollercoaster that can leave you feeling like you're floating adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

The Expatability Club is your safe harbour: somewhere to anchor when you need to overcome overwhelm, get some sanity-checks, and just 'be'.

Expat life is a journey, not just a destination

The need for support doesn't end when you land in a new country.

Whether it’s your first foray in to expat life, or you’re a seasoned pro at moving to pastures new, every move is different. What worked for you in one place, may not transpire in another.

Life changes over time: kids grow; you grow; you move somewhere else; you move back home; life throws us curveballs.

What was straightforward for your previous relocations, may not be so easy now.

Master your global lifestyle

Succeed with real-time support and expert expat insight

Support for every stage of your expat journey – from home to away and back again - to make sure that all aspects of your life abroad are a huge success.

You’re busy living your life, so instead of swimming against the tide of an ocean of information, I’ll give you the guidance you need, when you need it, so you can take control of your life.

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I’ll help you create a successful life, career and family overseas

Success in your whole life

Success in your whole life - wherever you are on your overseas journey. Create the expat life of your dreams.

Success in parenting your expat child

Parenting... Add in a different country, a decreased support network, a new language, and school systems, parenting an expat child can become overwhelming at times.

Success in your expat mindset and well-being

Moving overseas can throw up some unexpected emotions. Get support whenever you need it.

The only expat community you need to get support for every stage of your life abroad
Success in your relationships

Relationship success, for relationships both at home and away. Managing that expat guilt, for a start! And so much more.

Success in your expat friendships

Success in finding new friends in your new home country can make or break your day-to-day life. I've got advice for you, and the best expat support network to offer you.

Success in your expat life. inside and out!

Expat life is a series of transitions, and we're here for every step of your journey.

The secret to your successful expat life is a genuine support network 

Connection, friendship, and a sense of belonging

We're here to create a sense of belonging - a home away from home - where you can be yourself, find your support network, and discover that no matter where in the world you are, or where you are on your expat journey, you'll be part of a global community that's always there for you.

Your home from home, wherever you are in the world

For every stage of your expat journey – from home to away, there and back again.

An expat community and advice hub where you’ll never feel alone or unsupported.

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You'll never be alone in The Expatability Club

Adventure is out there, and we're grabbing it by the passport and living it!

Unparalleled Understanding

No more explaining the intricacies and weirdness of expat life to friends who can't relate.

Within our community, you'll connect with like-minded expats who understand the joys and challenges of living abroad. Because let's face it, no one knows expat life better than those who have embraced it with open arms.

Added to this, you'll have your own Expat Expert in your pocket to guide you to calm waters.

Insight from Lived Experience

Forget generic advice, textbook knowledge, and fluffy words. Here you will find the real deal. No BS.

Our community is filled with seasoned expats who have sailed the uncharted waters of expat life. Tap into their wealth of wisdom, learn from their triumphs and missteps, and gain insights that only come from first-hand experience.

Let their guidance be the guiding light that leads you to soft landings and smooth transitions.

A Safe Space to Share and Connect

Expat life can be a turbulent sea of emotions. That's why we've created a safe harbour - a judgment-free zone - where you can share your joys, frustrations, and everything in between.

Connect with like-minded expats who understand the unique challenges you and your family face. Find understanding and support in the company of others who truly 'get it'. 

Together, we'll build friendships that transcend borders.

Emotional Anchor in Choppy Waters

Expat life can be an emotional rollercoaster: excitement, homesickness, culture shock, you name it.

In our community, we've created a safe space where you can freely express your emotions without judgment.

Whether you need a virtual hug, a pep talk, or a good laugh to lift your spirits, our understanding and supportive community will be right there with you, every step of the way.

Get ready to embark on a life-changing adventure as I provide you with invaluable insights, tips, and advice to make your international move a smooth and successful one.

What's inside?

Get access to world-class services, support, and your own personal expat expert in your pocket!

Advice and support when you need it. Regular online 'meet-ups'. Meet new people who just get you and your life.

A super-secure chat platform, just for members, so we can be ourselves and talk freely.

Masterclasses, eBooks, lists, teachings, and many other expat resources to help make your life easier.

Guest expert sessions with amazing people sharing their specialist subjects with us.


They say...


Expat Double Espresso Client

“Carole just gets it - she can relate and has such a wealth of knowledge and life experience in being an expat; relocating many times, having kids, and relocating them, and a partner who works away, not taking the traditional route and so being different to those around her."

Brendan S

Expat Espresso Client

"Carole is a warm and easy person to speak with. She has tremendous experience in the challenges of living and moving overseas and moving back to the UK. She can give practical insights and to help you think of problems in new ways and potentially see things more objectively."


Expat Espresso Client

“I chose to work with Carole as I listened to her podcasts, read her articles and was impressed by her experience, knowledge, professionalism, and also her down-to-earth, matter-of-fact style, which I resonated with. After working with Carole, I felt a sense of direction, reassurance, confidence, and connectedness."

Alan A

Expat Espresso Client

"Just speaking to you without having to explain my thoughts and feelings was a rare occurrence. This put me at ease straight away, making me feel understood, which allowed me to open up to you easily. I really appreciated your kind remarks and valuable insights"

Join the waitlist

About Carole

I'm Carole, Expat Life Mentor and Consultant, founder of and the Expatability® Chat Podcast. For 12 years I lived overseas, with my husband and daughter, plus assorted pets (very important!).

I first moved to Tokyo, Japan in 2006 as a ‘trailing spouse’, with a 5-year-old daughter and two cats. After five years in Tokyo – plus one huge earthquake – we moved to Berlin, Germany with one cat and a new dog. From there, we moved to Pretoria, South Africa and repatriated to the UK in 2018 with two completely different cats, the same dog, and <deep breath> a teenager (yikes!).

I've experienced both ends of expat life, there and back again. And I can definitely claim I've been there, done that and got rid of more t-shirts than you can imagine!

I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with this transition.

If you have any questions, please drop me an email

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is The Expatability Club for?

Anyone who wants to make a success of moving and living overseas! If you're planning to move abroad at some point, it's never too early to make a start. 

Also, anyone who wants to have a secure, safe space to talk about expat life and the unique challenges it can sometimes throw our way. 

All are welcome, wherever you are on your expat journey: planning, first timer, 10th timer, or repatting.

In fact, if you are planning a move back home, you may find you'll need this community more than you could imagine! Moving back home is often the most difficult move of all.  

who is The Expatability Club NOT for?

There are certain topics I don't deal with, for legal reasons. 

For example, I officially can't help you with visas, job-seeking, financial and legal advice. So, when you have these sorted out, by all means apply to join!


That's fabulous! However, life changes. You change, your kids change (oh boy, do they change!). Their needs alter as they grow up. Your needs change from country to country.

Each relocation is different. Each person is different. Each stage of your life is different. No relocation journey is the same for everyone, even within the same family.

And once you add children into the mix, you'll discover whole swathes of expat life you hadn't considered before!

Maybe you lived abroad when your situation was different? Perhaps you were working, studying or single? Now you’re unable to work due to visa issues; you’re in a couple; you have kids… Or vice versa!

Education, health, special needs, the list could go on. And – stating the bleeding obvious - a toddler is a vastly different creature than a teenager!

So, changing circumstances make your need for an understanding connection a vital part of your expat life.


Yes, you could dive into expat life without knowing what to expect, but I wouldn’t recommend it! That only works if you find a fabulous support system instantly.

The quickest way to 'fail' at expat life is to not have a support system. Expat life can get isolating, very quickly.

And, however independent and self-sufficient you are, life has a habit of throwing curve balls and dealing with difficulties when you’re miles away from familiarity is tough.

I'm sure you recall 2020...

Too many times I’ve met disillusioned people who had certain expectations on what their new life abroad would be like. And then it all falls apart.

Don't worry, though! The Expatability Club is here for you as a safety net if expat life does get tough for you. We will be here when you need it with absolute understanding and support.

Can you guarantee I will have an amazing life overseas?

I wish I could guarantee everyone would have an amazing expat life, but as we all know, that kind of guarantee isn't possible!

Yes, expat life is generally an amazing experience, but the nature of life, the universe and everything means 'things happen'...

What I do with the Expatability Club is provide you with info, insight and insider tips and provide a supportive space where you can get support whenever you need it. 


Bluntly? There's an application process so The Expatability Club is kept free of 'undesirables'!

I personally review each application to make sure that everyone who is accepted into The Expatability Club fits with my ethos, values and vision for this community. And well, just isn’t a arse! 

I'm very protective of my clients and this community, and I want each and every member to be comfortable that they are in a safe environment.

Why is there a 3 month minimum commitment?

Expat life is a journey, not a destination. There are certain milestones you will encounter that are well-known to me, but may catch you unawares. I don't want you to be left adrift without support at these tricky times.

You don't know what you need to know until you get there. 

Also, this gives you time to forge real connections with fellow expats inside the Club. 

The Expatability Club is here to support you before, during and after your expatting experience, every step of the way.  


The EXPATABILITY CHAT platform is an independent standalone communication channel. I've created it so that it is supremely secure and not connected to any social media platforms.

A couple of reasons for this:

  • Social media platforms are notoriously 'glitchy' (AKA insecure) and any one of us could be hacked/banned etc - yes, it happens more than you may think.
  • Secondly, having worked with expats over many years, I know there is a need for complete confidence in some discussions. You may not wish your employer / family / neighbours to know your plans.

Recognising that not everyone is comfortable with new tech though, I have also created a closed invitation-only Facebook group just for The Expatability Club members.

Do you offer 1-1 support?

I do, yes! Places are naturally limited as there's just one of me! My 1-1 offers are not part of The Expatability Club, unless you choose the VIP option.

This means I can truly give you a very personalised service. I’ll help you with the practical aspects of your relocation, and support your emotional needs before, during and after your move.

Please contact me for further information.


Indeed there is. I contributed a whole heap of it myself!

However, you then need to rely on searching for information and hoping Google comes up with the most relevant data for you. Which means you also need to know exactly what you need to know.

Within The Expatability Club you have to chance to ask me and the community your specific questions.

The Expatability Club gathers everything you need to know into one, unique place, saving you time and energy.