Moving Overseas with Teenagers

Moving with Teens with The Teen Confidence CoachMoving abroad with teens - again!As my most downloaded podcast episode last season was about moving abroad with teenagers, I thought it was

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Expat Homesickness

How to cope with feeling homesick as an expatMoving abroad is an exciting adventure filled with new opportunities, cultures, and experiences. An incredibly rich experience, offering opportunities to

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Expats and Emotional Overwhelm

Expats and emotional overwhelm: when everything just gets too much.It’s all just TOO MUCH!Emotional overwhelm that catches us at times regardless of where you are on your expat

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How to Move Abroad

How to expat?So, you want to move abroad?You're dreaming of moving overseas?You've had enough of this country's weather/cost of living/government [delete as appropriate].You want to live somewhere else.But

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Stuck Parents – and What to Know Before You Go

“I had to leave my baby in Dubai and return to the UK”No, this isn’t me being dramatic: this is the TRUTH for far too many expat parents.

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Language Learning for Expats

Language learning tipsIn this episode I dip my toes in to the world that is learning a new language. With a few quick tips on language learning for

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How to Prepare for Unpacking Day

Unpacking day!How to prepare to receive your shipment – all the items that you packed into a lorry for container shipping.Or, to be more accurate, Preparing for the

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